
Welcome to my blog! My name is Chris Kingdon, I’m a Christian, Husband, and Technical Architect (Software Development). I love what I do and I hope I can share just a bit of my passions with those around me. This blog is a random collection of my thoughts and how-tos on things I have come across in the world of software engineering and sometimes technology at large. I hope that others who follow won’t have to fight through the same issues I’ve encountered. So take a look around and feel free to drop a comment!

Recent Posts:

Teams Status Light Project

Since 2020 I’ve been working from home. As time has passed, I’ve been in more and more meetings where I can’t be disturbed. This past weekend I realized I have this little LED sign that you can use an IR remote with to change its color. It would be really cool if I could have…

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Getting Started With Azure Synapse Analytics Part 1

Recently, I had a project that required some statistical analysis on a large dataset. I chose Azure’s Synapse service to manage my data ingestion process, as it offers a scalable and flexible solution for data engineering and analytics. I found their service very useful but the documentation was not very clear, especially for beginners. In…

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Getting Started With gRPC

If you haven’t played with gRPC yet you really should. gRPC is a super cool tool that gives you huge performance gains by using binary messages instead of HTTP calls. In addition, gRPC focuses on contract-first API development. gRPC uses special files called proto files which allow you to define payloads (called messages) and services…

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